
There's no tungsten but shopping in Outlets at Orange

Today's shopping day without my biz of tungsten!

Today, all of my family come to the Outlets at orange for shopping a day!
My son has his 10 days hoiliday. I forget all of my biz altrought all of my staff still on thire works in China, Thanx for my girls who are in charge of tungsten biz.

Hanns CEO/Chinatungten.com


Tungsten Products' Prices are Decline

Tungsten Products' Prices are Decline

Tungsten products'prices,as tungsten alloy fine parts and raw materials like tungsten concentrates and tungsten powder and tungsten carbide powder after the first two weeks of continuous decline slightly for two days and gradually stabilized, smelters home very price conscious of tungsten small businesses operating enthusiasm, many market participants wait wait guided introduction of more specific operations, expected today tungsten or mainstream maintenance of stability, individual manufacturers offer high tungsten small drop.

Hanns CEO/Chinatungten.com


Biz Trip to LA of Tungsten Alloy

Biz Trip To LA CA

I'm very glad to visit Los Angeles CA, USA for my trip.

Today, I visit a firend who do the business of tungsten alloy and tungsten carbide, we talked the biz of tungsten in the past serval years, and our co-operation in the future.

In fact, the biz of tungsten in the past year 2014 was not so good, for the price of tungtsen raw materials rised and down sharply, the price of tungsten powder was 190 RMB per kilogram at the end of the year, but it was 250 RMB at the early of 2014, since then, we have to control our processing cost 
and keep the competitive price to our co-operating partner.

Yes, we should do something more for 2015, we should offer our tungsten alloy and tungsten carbide parts at best terms and conditions.

Hanns CEO Chinatungten.com

【Chinatungsten】tungsten copper electrolytic process

Processing In the process of electrolyzation, use a certain proportion of NaCl, KCl, Na2WO4 and CuO4 mixed solution and graphite as el...